Dakota State University

Creator: Pete Hoesing

1y ago update
DSU's mission is to prepare cyber-savvy graduates who are lifelong learners, problem solvers, innovators, and leaders to live lives of positive purpose and consequence.  

Vision: Innovative, entrepreneurial, and resilient since 1881, DSU will continue to rise through short - and long-term success of our students and graduates, increased strength in applied research and athletics, and deep engagement with our stakeholders, in an environment infused with quality improvement.


Office / Work location

820 N. Washington Ave., Madison, South Dakota, United States launch

Our Specialities

Competence & Expertise
Research & Development
CNN, DNN, Federated, GAN, Machine Learning, NLP, Self/Unsupervised, Supervised
Geospatial Data, Image Data, Sensor Data, Structured Data, Synthetic, Textual Data, Unstructured Data
