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Jag har senaste tiden upptäckte möjligheten att be AI-modellen agera som flera personer. Ett upplägg som jag funnit fruktbart är att be AI agera som två personer, där en person är den primära ”föredragshållaren”, medan den andra personen kommer med konstruktiva/kritiska synpunkter. Till exempel kan man be två personer diskutera ”nya” generativa AI:s påverkan på skolan, lärande och synen på kunskap – i tre scenarier. Med hjälp av GptForWork-verktyget i Excel kan man lätt skapa en konstruktiv och ”uppdelad” promt (som lätt kan "återanvändas") t ex:

2024-04-25 07:20 Weblink News Swedish Anna Sjöstrand
Studieförbundet lanserar NBV studiehandledningen AI Introduktion för alla, för att fler ska få möjlighet att lära sig om AI och samtala om hur människan,...
SEPTEMBER 24th, 2024 / KALMAR / SWEDEN | Kalmar Science Park

TechHeads vision is Crafting Tomorrow Together. Embark on a quest where technology converges with human ingenuity. TechHeads conference is a portal to a visionary realm were AI shapes destiny. Picture a future where e-commerce thrives, e-health transforms lives, and development reaches new heights. Together, let’s script a narrative where innovation transcends boundaries.

Join us together with 300+ in the pursuit of shaping tomorrow's tech landscape—because together, we make it happen! Welcome the the 2nd edition of TechHeads.

Get 30% off with our Early Bird Offer. It's time limited and only available for a certain amount of tickets.

2024-04-24 08:11 Weblink News Irina Balog
Tyche is a machine-learning framework that can generate plausible answers when asked to identify potential disease in medical images. By capturing the ambiguity in images, the technique could prevent clinicians from missing crucial information that could inform diagnoses.
5StarEssays Essay Writer is an AI-powered tool designed to assist users in generating essays quickly and effectively.

It has cool features that make writing easier:

  1. Smart Writing: It helps you write well-organized and interesting stuff.
  2. Easy Templates: It gives you different models to start your writing.
  3. Fixes Mistakes: It finds and fixes grammar and style mistakes.
  4. Checks for Copying: It makes sure your writing is original and not copied.
  5. Works with Others: You can work with friends and get feedback.
  6. Helps with Research: It finds information for your writing.
  7. Shortens Long Texts: It can make long texts shorter.
  8. Works in Many Languages: It helps people write in different languages.
  9. Keeps Track of Changes: It saves old versions of your writing so you can see what you changed.
  10. Easy to Use: It's simple to use and makes writing more fun!
AI för folket är en podcast för ledare och nyfikna. I korta avsnitt utforskar vi, Frida Mangen & Sofia Akhter, vad AI är tillsammans med våra gäster.
Can AI deliver a fairer, more accessible justice system? In this groundbreaking episode, AI heavyweights ChatGPT and Gemini dissect the potential and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence into the UN's internal system of justice. Delve into issues of security, bias, and the impact on staff rights. This episode features an AI-generated dialogue and voices – a true experiment in exploring AI's role in shaping the future of justice. Join the debate: How do you envision AI transforming UN internal justice system? Follow us on Twitter @UnperfectUnited for more - and visit UNperfect UNited if you are UN staff and need legal support!

Stanford's yearly AI index report has recently been published.

Short summary of take-aways:

  • Human still beats AI on competition-level mathematics, visual common sense, reasoning and planning

  • There is a record number of models as a result of industry-academia collaborations

  • Frontier models more and more expensive (OpenAI’s GPT-4 used an estimated $78 million worth of compute to train, while Google’s Gemini Ultra cost $191 million for compute)

  • USA leading the race on notable models (61 notable AI models originated from U.S.-based institutions, far outpacing the European Union’s 21 and China’s 15)

  • The lack of standards for evaluation of LLM responsibility complicates efforts to systematically compare the risks and limitations of top AI models

  • Investments are skyrocketing  ("Despite a decline in overall AI private investment last year, funding for generative AI surged, nearly octupling from 2022 to reach $25.2 billion. Major players in the generative AI space, including OpenAI, Anthropic, Hugging Face, and Inflection, reported substantial fundraising rounds.")

  • Sharp increase in number of AI regulations in the US. 25 AI-related regulations in 2023 - up from just one in 2016

  • People across the globe are getting more nervous about AI impact. 52% express nervousness toward AI products and services, marking a 13 percentage point rise from 2022

    Download full report from here.


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FineWeb, a newly released open-source dataset, promises to propel language model research forward with its extensive collection of English web data. Developed by a consortium led by huggingface, FineWeb offers over 15 trillion tokens sourced from CommonCrawl dumps spanning the years 2013 to 2024. Designed with meticulous attention to detail, FineWeb undergoes a thorough processing […]

The post Meet FineWeb: A Promising 15T Token Open-Source Dataset for Advancing Language Models appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-04-26 10:00 MarkTechPost
Softwares are developed through a series of iterative steps, including editing, unit testing, fixing build errors, and code reviews until the product is good enough to be added to a repository. GoogleAI researchers introduced DIDACT (​​Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity) to enhance developers’ experience of fixing build errors, focusing on Java development. Build errors are not […]

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After the introduction of ChatGPT, many generative AI applications have adopted the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pattern, focusing on the variation of a chat over a collection of documents. Currently, the focus is to make RAG systems more robust and shape the next generation of AI applications where common themes are centralized. These agents are […]

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2024-04-26 09:00 MarkTechPost
Different training platforms have emerged to cater to diverse needs and constraints in the rapidly evolving machine learning (ML) field. Explore key training platforms: Cloud, Central, Federated Learning, On-Device ML, and other emerging techniques, examining their strengths, use cases, and prospects. Cloud and Centralized Learning Cloud-based ML platforms leverage remote servers to handle extensive computations, […]

The post Exploring Model Training Platforms: Comparing Cloud, Central, Federated Learning, On-Device Machine Learning ML, and Other Techniques appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-04-26 08:22 MarkTechPost
Improving comprehension and interaction capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) with video content is a major area of ongoing research and development. A major achievement in this field is Pegasus-1, which is a state-of-the-art multimodal model that can comprehend, synthesise, and interact with video information using natural language. The main goal of Pegasus-1‘s development is […]

The post Twelve Labs Introduces Pegasus-1: A Multimodal Language Model Specialized in Video Content Understanding and Interaction through Natural Language appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-04-26 07:11 Towards Data Science

Learn how to download a clipped Sentinel-2 image for any Area of Interest (AOI), Lake Tahoe here, with just 12 lines of script.

Continue reading on Towards Data Science »

2024-04-26 01:29 Wired
While both Alphabet and Microsoft boasted strong quarterly earnings, only one tech giant showed that its generative AI bet is starting to pay off.
2024-04-24 20:02 ScienceDaily
Robotics engineers have worked for decades and invested many millions of research dollars in attempts to create a robot that can walk or run as well as an animal. And yet, it remains the case that many animals are capable of feats that would be impossible for robots that exist today.
Using AI for complex quality assurance within Industrial 3D printing
2021-11-19 11:12 Implemented English
Industrial 3D printing has traditionally been valued for its production flexibility, where a 3D printer can go from printing one product one minute, and another product the next. This gave 3D printing a reputation for revolutionizing our way of doing low-volume production and prototyping. Initially, much of what was produced was made in plastic. However, in the past two decades methods for 3D printing metals have gained traction from industry, enabling its application to different types of industrial processes – including the production of aircrafts and space vessel parts where you need lightweight and strong products.

Our partner Amexci specializes in this type of Industrial 3D printing through a process called selective laser melting (or L-PBF). Recently, Peltarion has been working with Amexci to create a type of model that enables the company to break new ground when it comes to quality control, both speeding up how quickly the technology can be applied to industrial settings and also setting new standards for the type of quality control that can be done.

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Katastrof kartor med hjälp av AI
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Schack-server för träning med AI-programvara
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