AI Capabilities

Page by AI Sweden 1y ago update
Tools & Methods
AI Capabilities consists of eight different categories; Vision, Audial, Linguistics, Robotics, Discovery, Forecasting, Optimization and Creation.

They are divided in four different categories:
- Sense the world
- Control the world
- Understand the world
- Create the world


Vision & Strategy
Tools & Methods


2022-10-07 13:07 Page Tools & Methods
An Creation AI can generate images, music, speech and more based on simple creations. The images in these categories are made from such a tool - an image generator that is built upon a language model so you can instruct the generator with ordinary English text instead of code.

It can be used for:
- Audio generation
- Image generation/manipulation
- Style transfer
- Text generation/summarization
- AI-augmented engineering

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 13:01 Page Tools & Methods
An Optimization AI can look for optimal solutions to problems with large solution space.

It can be used for:
- Cooperative multi-agent systems
- Policy development / Strategic agents
- Logistics planning
- Planning and scheduling

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:59 Page Tools & Methods
An AI within Forecasting can make predictions about future course of time series or likelihood of events.

It can be used for:
- Time series forecasting
- Dependency-based forecasting

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:57 Page Tools & Methods
An AI within Discovery can process large amounts of data and find patterns and “logical” relationships.

It can be used for:
- Segmentation and clustering
- Anomaly / outlier detection
- Correlation analysis
- Causal inference
- Association analysis

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:55 Page Tools & Methods
This AI capability can analyze, intepret and learn from data representing physical systems and control its behaviour.

It can be used for:
- Robot motion planning
- HD mapping and localization
- Control optimization
- Collaborative robotics / human robot interaction
- Advanced drones
- Mobile robotics
- User-adaptive control automation

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:51 Page Tools & Methods
A Linguistic AI can process, interpret and render text and speech.

Examples of use:
- Translation
- Text classification
- Sentiment analysis
- Entity recognition
- Relation extraction
- Conversational systems

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:49 Page Tools & Methods
An audial AI can process and interpret audio signals.

It can enable:
- Speech to text
- Musical knowledge
- Sound similarity assessment
- Source separation
- Audio-based sentiment analysis

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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2022-10-07 12:38 Page
This AI capability can process visual data and recognize objects but also understand the semantics of images or video sequences.

It can be used for:
- Image segmentation
- Object detection and tracking
- Image classification
- Emotion recognition
- 3D reconstruction

The image is generated with the image genrerating tool  Crayion.
The promt: Picture of XXX XX, 3D studio, high quality, photo

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