AI Introduction for leaders

Module/ Session e-Learning
2y ago update
AI Introduction for leaders

A broad understanding of AI is critical for our ability to make the right and future-ready decisions for businesses and society. In contrast to common misconceptions, many essential changes, and decisions that are needed for society to transition into an AI-first future connect strongly to stakeholders outside the realm of AI scientists and technologists. Meanwhile, many stakeholders from outside the world of AI feel that AI is not a topic they can get into or find the field too difficult to engage in.

AI Introduction for leaders will give you an overview of the potential in AI, through tangible examples and first-hand experiences. It will also provide you with an understanding of how AI works to make correct choices about the next steps needed on the AI journey for yourself or your organization!


Advanced, Beginner, Intermediate
Change Agent, Executive, Leadership, Project Manager, Student
Data, Organization, Technology
Management & Leadership