Sprint 5,6,7 Summary

This post summarizes the last three weeks of work since it is the first week the whole team is back together because of vacations.
Sprint 5:
When the user rates the answer in Slack, that rating is now added as a rating to the sources that Zensei used for creating the answer. This should with time lead to bad sources being used less.

Added a separate fitness measure to the sources that is based on keywords, date and user rating. This is to be used as a second step after selecting the top sources based on distance to pick out the most viable sources for the question. Might need some tweaking to function just right.

We also investigated possibility of using Llama 2 instead of chatGPT to be able to keep the solution in-house. However due to the complexity of setting it up and the hardware requirements it was not further pursued.
Sprint 6:

We started the process of cleaning, documenting and commenting our code. This is not only good practice for us but good for the eventual hand-over of the project.
We have examined and rewritten old code to better fit into the project as whole. We have written a docstring for every function in the project as well as comments explaining the code in most functions.

We also spent a considerate amount of time this sprint debugging and stress testing the code. Some unexpected bugs reared their heads which we had to fix.

For a new feature we added the possibility for tailored prompts for different use cases. For example a different specific prompt when using Zensei to analyze data or asking about code than the default chatbot prompt.

Sprint 7:

This sprint we added the ability to give detailed written feedback to Zensei directly in Slack which gets saved locally by Zensei for later use.

To continue the documentation of the code, we have written a read-me file for users as well as for new developers on how Zensei works and how to work on it.

A new feature was added that allows the user to attach files to their message which Zensei can now read and analyze, as shown in the attached image. This can be useful if you want to discuss code you've written or this months KPI numbers for example.

We have started to design and work on a front-end web page for Zensei that users that don't use Slack will be able to use. We also plan to add more features to the web page that we are unable to add to the slack version due to slacks limitations.

Some time this sprint was also spent on planning and performing a demo presentation for Zenseact.