Demand Forecasting for Supply Chain

Implemented owned by Essity AB
3y ago update

At Global Supply Chain Unit, we need to guarantee that our demand planning is accurate to ensure efficient operations. For that we use a combination of Time Series Forecasting and Machine Learning methods to predict the demand on a very granular level.

  • How much product to produce to be able to supply the demand?
  • Produce the right amount of product per SKU and region to satisfy the demand and avoid unnecessary storage
  • Investigate past demand and understand product sales patterns over time
  • Predict the development of product sales at SKU level per region considering typical sales patterns as well as promotional information using time series and machine learning methods.
  • Improved customer centricity: Product is available at any time
  • Risk mitigation: Avoid risk of products not being available when needed or to many products on the market without demand
  • Improved profitability: Process efficiency


Transportation & Logistics
Better Customer Experience, More Efficient
Machine Learning, Supervised
Time series