How to write a good Use Case
My AI Use Cases is a crowdsourced national library designed for sharing knowledge and bring inspiration about applied AI and is open to the whole AI community. Your own experience with AI might be helpful to just someone else!
Anyone with a user account on My AI can create a Use Case. Start by clicking the green button with a plus sign in the lower right corner and select “Use Case”. You can also create a new Use Case from the Use Cases index page by clicking the “+ Add Use Case” button up in the right hand corner.
To write a good use case follow these guidelines:
Choose a short and descriptive title for your use case as the name. E.g. “Predictive Maintenance”.
Upload a high quality image that illustrates your use case. You can add multiple images.
Choose a use-case type.
- Abstract / Example - describes a generalized case of applied artificial intelligence that could be adapted to case-specific needs. Example: recommender system, predictive maintenance, automation of tasks;
- Demo/PoC - a solution that is being tested, or in a stage of a PoC, but has not been implemented in production;
- Implementation - the use case has been implemented and is being used in day-to-day operations.
Add the name of the organisation if you are uploading a use-case for an organisation. If the organisation doesn't exist you can create a new organisation. The organisation could be the AI solution provider or the organisation where it's implemented, the latter is prefered.
Provide a link to the original use case if it's described somewhere else on the internet, maybe on an organisation's homepage. This is not required.
Elaborate on your AI solution. Make sure to describe the use case in a way that helps to learn about application of AI rather than doing a sales pitch of the technology. Make it a useful learning resource!
- Summary – describe your use case briefly. Mention what AI technology is used and how. You don’t have to go into a deep technical forest here.
- Objectives – describe what problem is solved or what opportunity is realised by your AI solution.
- Solution – describe the solution. How does this technology work? What technology is used to solve the problem? Why is this technology selected?
- Outcome – describe the outcome and result. What was achieved by using AI in your case? Why was AI a good choice? Try to be as specific as possible, what was the value delivered and for whom?
The attributes section is important for classifying and categorizing the use case. All relevant tags that apply to the particular use case are selected from different categories. Tags are essential to help users navigate the library as well as to personalize their queries. E.g. it enables users to filter use cases by data-type, industry etc.
From each category, you can select all options that are relevant to the use case and add them as tags.
- Industry: The industry that the use-case is applied to ( Health, Manufacture, IT, Food & Farming etc )
- Function: What is the function of the use case (HR, Sales, Finance, Legal, Marketing, Support, Finance, Production, etc)
- Value: What value does the use-case provide (Save costs, smarter product /service etc )
- AI Capabilities: The capabilities that the use-case have (Robotics, vision, optimization etc )
- AI Technology: What AI technology is being used (Supervised learning , unsupervised learning, deep learning etc)
- Data Types: What type of data was used (Image data, sensor data , geospatial data, synthetic data, unstructured data etc )
- **AI Maturity: ** ( My.ai.se don’t display your maturity to others. This is meant for making your experience better and more relevant i.e to personalize the content for you )
Once the use-case is created you can add Additional resources (such as research papers, videos, data sets, trained models, presentations). You should not upload sales material here!
If you want to add contact details to the case, click “Edit use-case” and on the right hand side of the panel you will see a new section called “Roles”. Select the role from the list (e.g. admin, client, contact, provider). Please notice only registered members can be added in Roles.