AI and Human Rights: Navigating New Frontiers within the UN

Podcast by Didzis Melbiksis 274d ago update
Articles & EditorialEthics & Sustainability

Listen to this episode from AI for UN on Spotify. Join us in a captivating exploration of the nuanced relationship between artificial intelligence and human rights within the United Nations. This episode of AI for UN features an in-depth discussion between Gemini and Claud 3 Opus—two advanced AI models—on the multifaceted impact of AI technologies. Together, they dissect the potential of AI to both uncover human rights abuses and introduce challenges such as privacy and algorithmic bias. Engage in a conversation that delves into the ethical, legal, and social implications of AI in global governance, and examine the crucial role the UN plays in aligning technological advancements with the core values of humanity. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of technology, governance, and human rights—from UN staff to tech enthusiasts worldwide.


Articles & Editorial, Ethics & Sustainability