UNESCO Guidelines for Generative AI: Practical Applications for Schools

Weblink by Anna Sjöstrand 318d ago
Policies & Guidelines
Following Digital Learning Week in Paris, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization published a comprehensive document containing guidelines for Generative AI (GAI) in education and research, and exploring the implications for policy. 

The guidelines are linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals through Goal 4: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and reflect the “Education 2030” agenda of the organisation. As you might expect, there is a focus throughout on human agency, inclusion, equity, and diversity. There is also useful advice on the practical and creative implications of GAI in education which can be applied to the K-12 context.

With the focus on policy and regulations, some have criticised UNESCO’s approach to GAI as too conservative, or even as “virtue signalling” or moralising. Personally, I see the guidelines as a useful addition to our approaches to Generative AI in education but, like all frameworks and guidelines, think that they need to be contextualised and made as practical as possible if they are to be of any use in the classroom.


Culture & Mindset
Policies & Guidelines
Generative AI