Summary and results

The internship is now over with the final event successfully held on the 29th of August. 

This summer the team developed a chatbot application covering four use cases for LLM's in healthcare, specified by AI Competence Center at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. They were the following:

  • An assitant for a patient to answer questions about their medical records.
  • A chatbot that can answer general medical questions using selected sources on the internet.
  • An assitant for doctors that can help them to quickly find information about patients.
  • A chatbot that can help medical staff with administrative questions, e.g looking up phone numbers, email, policies etc.

Our final product was a  website where the use cases were implemented in a chat interface. 

Key concepts were Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), word embeddings, agents (OpenAI function calling) and vector databases.

Even though this application was made as a proof of concept in mind,  we are very satisfied with the result. We are happy to hear that VGR will use our project as a stepping stone for future projects.

Finally we want to thank AI Sweden and VGR for the opportunity to work with and explore the possibilities of LLM's during the summer!