Sprint 2 Summary
For this sprint we have continued development on both the Slack bot and the standalone app and added several features. The bot now also has a name, Zensei.
We gave the bot the ability to handle follow-up questions and to keep the context of the previous messages. The sources that were available to the bot when formulating the answer is now displayed in the answer as hyperlinks.
The updates to the Slack bot is that it now can handle multiple requests at once through multi-threading, and that it allows for follow-up questions by staying in the thread for 3 minutes after the latest message while retaining the context of the conversation.
We updated the front-end interface which now is equipped with some debugging capabilities and provides the user with metadata accompanied by the response from the bot as well as a way to easily read the relevant documents provided as context to the bot.
We generated a large database of dummy data using gpt-3.5 that Zensei currently uses for information. The next step is to get green light for using real data and to add some feedback from the user to be able to rate the reliability of the sources.