Creator: Håkan Andersson

1y ago update
IBM's research in AI goes back to the 1950s and includes significant milestones like the supercomputer Deep Blue defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov. In 2011, IBM Watson defeated Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings in the Jeopardy! Challenges. 

We continue to invest in research and development on both hardware and software and have contributed into several open-source projects over the years. Like recently the geospatial model built together with NASA and in 2023 made available on Hugging Face.

We believe strongly in open and trusted AI systems and are a founding member of the AI Alliance

IBM WatsonX is our platform for building, deploying and governing AI at scale in the enterprise. It runs wherever you need it. On premises, on cloud or in hybrid scenarios making sure you can meet any regulatory requirements and risks identified.

Our team based in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe is looking forward to joining AI Sweden to help advance the position and responsible use of AI in the country. Hope to meet you in one of the co-locations or in the projects.

Do you want to discuss a project or just say hi? Reach out to Håkan Andersson or any of the other IBMers listed.



IBM Malmö Office
IBM Göteborg Office
IBM Stockholm Office


2024-05-30 12:43 Post Swedish
Skapa replikerbara och etiska AI lösningar tillsammans - IBM CREATE

En möjlighet för organisationer inom offentlig sektor att få handfast hjälp under 10veckor att identifiera, utveckla, validera en generativ AI pilot för sin verksamhet.

Som alla i AI Sweden nätverket vet innebär generativ AI stora möjligheter att nå sina direktiv och verksamhetsmål effektivare eller på nya sätt. 
Vi gör en kraftsamling nu och erbjuder 5 organisationer från offentlig sektor att under hösten ta fram varsin generativ AI pilot med teknisk expertis från IBM och partners.

Vi får hjälp i arbetet med att välja ut de mest värdeskapande och replikerbara projekten av referensgruppen vi samlat där DiGG och AI Sweden ingår.

Registrera ert intresse att delta på
Dialoger och platser tillsätts löpande, så skicka in er ansökan idag!

Ni behöver inte ha färdiga idéer till AI use-case. Det räcker med ambition, tid/resurser till samutveckling och verksamhetsförankring. Resten fixar vi tillsammans :) 

Info + FAQ finns på sidan. Fler funderingar, välkommen att kontakta

2024-05-22 05:05 Weblink
The IBM Institute for Business Value uses data-driven research and expert analysis to deliver thought-provoking insights to leaders on the emerging trends that will determine future success.'
2024-05-22 05:04 Weblink
To gain a competitive advantage in the generative AI era, CEOs need to let go of “what’s always worked” and start tackling six hard truths that are holding them back.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to build upon the capabilities, experiences, and insights of human beings, transforming how we approach various tasks and challenges by supplementing human-like abilities. The process of augmenting human intelligence refers to the use of AI to enhance human intelligence, rather than operating independently of, or replacing it. This use of AI is designed to include and balance human oversight across the AI lifecycle. Thomas Watson Jr., IBM’s 2nd President, once said, “Our machines should be nothing more than tools for extending the powers of the human beings who use them,” and we continue to stand by this point of view today.

IBM’s Principles for Trust and Transparency delineate the ways in which IBM embeds trust into its technology solutions. The first of these principles is: the purpose of AI is to augment human intelligence. All AI systems developed and deployed by IBM are designed to augment, not replace, human intelligence. IBM achieves this by designing such systems to enhance and extend human capability and potential while simultaneously enabling humans to take on more value-adding tasks. Accordingly, AI should improve job performance and augment individual as well as business performance. This implies that AI systems are to act as support functions to enhance human intelligence, rather than operate as completely separate, autonomous entities.

AI should be designed to include and balance human oversight across the AI lifecycle: when operations are carried out by AI, humans, or humans augmented by AI. This further supports IBM’s ability to embed ethical governance into developing, deploying, and building AI systems that help clients succeed.

2023-11-27 07:42 Weblink Articles & Editorial
Nyckeln till att utnyttja AI-baserade verktyg på bästa sätt är att bygga förtroende och tillit kring deras användning. För att göra detta så måste AI-systemen vara transparenta och förklarliga, de måste uppfattas förstärkande och inte ersätta medarbetare, skriver Vahid Zohali IBM:s Sverige-vd.
40 procent av världens arbetskraft behöver omskolas de kommande tre åren på grund av den snabba utvecklingen av generativ AI enligt en ny studie från IBM.

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Kistagången 6, Stockholm, Sweden launch

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IT & Software, Customer Service & Support, Engineering, Research & Development, Sales, Security, Sustainability
Creation, Discovery, Language, Optimization, Prediction
Advisory / Consultancy, Infrastructure, Platform / Product, Service / Offering


Ayaan Guled Marketing
Anna Kazakova Lindegren AI Change Agent
FAriba Ameri Other role
Marcus Månsson Sales
David Eriksson Other role
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