Get Started with AI - Module #3 - Why now?

Module/ Session e-Learning English
1y ago update
In the previous module, we learnt that the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) that we often consider today, dates back to the mid-50s. Since then, a lot of critical progress has been achieved. But why is there so much hype around AI right now and not earlier? In today’s lecture, you will learn all about the critical components that led to the reason as to why AI is such a big and important topic today, as well as why we all need to care about the topic!

Practice question

Let us revise for a moment the following question: what are the 3 critical conditions/cornerstones mentioned in the video, that are critical to make AI e.g. machine learning system, work and conditions we have managed to achieve in  the recent decades to make AI a hot topic today? (The correct answer is provided at the very end of this page.)

Reflection follow up: Consider your list of what AI means to you now and add these three critical components/cornerstones needed to make up a working AI system.

