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LLMs have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a range of tasks, but there exists wide variation in their costs and capabilities, as seen from the plot of performance against cost in Figure 1. Very broadly, more capable models tend to be more expensive than less capable models. This leads to a dilemma when deploying LLMs in the real-world - routing all queries to the largest, most capable model leads to the highest-quality responses but can be expensive, while routing queries to smaller models can save costs but may result in lower-quality responses.
This paper explores the potential of generative AI in creating adaptive educational simulations. By leveraging a system of multiple AI agents, simulations can provide personalized learning experiences, offering students the opportunity to practice skills in scenarios with AI-generated mentors, role-players, and instructor-facing evaluators. We describe a prototype, PitchQuest, a venture capital pitching simulator that showcases the capabilities of AI in delivering instruction, facilitating practice, and providing tailored feedback. The paper discusses the pedagogy behind the simulation, the technology powering it, and the ethical considerations in using AI for education. While acknowledging the limitations and need for rigorous testing, we propose that generative AI can significantly lower the barriers to creating effective, engaging simulations, opening up new possibilities for experiential learning at scale.
In 2024, the EBU designated AI a strategic priority and is supporting its Members to implement AI tools knowledgably, effectively, and in the best interests of audiences.

In this new publication, the EBU communities of News, Technology and Innnovation, Digital and Legal & Policy have extracted the hot button topics around generative AI for public service media.

Seconded national experts to be hired for Policy Specialists: The EU AI Office has put out a call for Seconded National Experts who can become Policy Specialists. The seconded national experts could be responsible for carrying out innovation, supervision and enforcement-relevant tasks for the AI Office. The deadline is 25 July. Joining the AI Office presents an opportunity to oversee general-purpose AI models and ensure they adhere to the requirements of the AI Act. As part of the team, the candidates will act as a liaisons to the scientific community, aid in enforcing the Act, and establish the AI Office as a global benchmark. The role also involves fostering collaboration with similar institutions in other juristictions to advance understanding of AI governance. Requirements include three years of relevant experience, with at least one year at the current employer; expertise in EU digital and AI policies; employment by a national, regional or local administration, an intergovernmental organisation, or a public sector body, university or independent research institute; and proficiency in one EU language and satisfactory knowledge of another.
Context is everything when crafting the perfect ChatGPT prompt. This 6-step Prompt Checklist is a proven method for generating highly effective, context-specific responses.


  1. Task: Clearly define the end goal.
  2. Context: Provide relevant details about the situation and background.
  3. Examples: Include sample text to demonstrate the desired style.
  4. Persona: Adopt a specific viewpoint or character if needed.
  5. Format: Specify the output structure you want.
  6. Tone: Indicate the preferred emotion and language style.

Pro tip: When using the checklist, the order matters the most. Not all steps are necessary, but the more context you provide — the better the results.

AI Sweden arbetar nu tillsammans med regioner och kommuner med den digitala assistenten Svea, ett stödverktyg för medarbetarna som ska effektivisera och höja kvaliteten.
2024-06-17 11:31 Video English Emily Carter
Why are competence strategies so critical right now? As the Swedish job market changes due to ongoing AI adoption, competence and upskilling are critical factors that go hand in hand with the successful execution of AI and business strategies. 

Join AI Sweden for an engaging discussion on what changes to expect and why competence strategies are important to ensure long-term success from the implementation of AI solutions. 

During the event, we will have the privilege of showcasing real examples, and reflecting on the following topics with guest speakers from PwC, Zenseact, and the University of Gothenburg.

  • How is AI reshaping the job market in Sweden, and what are the implications for organizations and employees?
  • What skills will be essential in the AI-driven workplace, and how can leaders support continuous learning and development?
  • How should we approach the redesign of work and workflows?
  • How can companies align their workforce’s skills with their AI ambitions to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge?
  • The AI Competence Strategy: Why have one, and how to start.
Myndigheters användning av AI, kommer att påverkas av EU:s AI-förordning som snart träder ikraft. Den omfattar bland annat bestämmelser om regulatoriska sandlådor för AI, som ger leverantörer möjlighet att utveckla, träna och testa AI-system i en kontrollerad miljö innan de tas i bruk.

Latest in AI

2024-07-03 07:15 MarkTechPost
Modern businesses need to process vast amounts of transactions quickly and accurately. Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems are designed to handle large numbers of simple, quick transactions such as online banking, order entry, and retail sales. However, traditional OLTP systems often face write contention, which occurs when multiple transactions attempt to modify the same data […]

The post TigerBeetle: A Distributed Financial Transactions Database Designed for Mission Critical Safety and Performance to Power the Online Transaction Processing OLTP appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-07-03 06:54 MarkTechPost
Bilevel optimization (BO) is a growing field of research, gaining attention for its success in various machine learning tasks like hyperparameter optimization, meta-learning, and reinforcement learning. BO involves a two-level structure where the solution to the outer problem depends on the solution to the inner problem. However, BO is not widely used for large-scale problems, […]

The post ScaleBiO: A Novel Machine Learning Based Bilevel Optimization Method Capable of Scaling to 34B LLMs on Data Reweighting Tasks appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-07-03 05:57 MarkTechPost
Business data analysis is a field that focuses on extracting actionable insights from extensive datasets, crucial for informed decision-making and maintaining a competitive edge. Traditional rule-based systems, while precise, need help with the complexity and dynamism of modern business data. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), excel in […]

The post This AI Paper by Narrative BI Introduces a Hybrid Approach to Business Data Analysis with LLMs and Rule-Based Systems appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-07-03 04:25 MarkTechPost
Ensuring the safety and moderation of user interactions with modern Language Models (LLMs) is a crucial challenge in AI. These models, if not properly safeguarded, can produce harmful content, fall victim to adversarial prompts (jailbreaks), and inadequately refuse inappropriate requests. Effective moderation tools are necessary to identify malicious intent, detect safety risks, and evaluate the […]

The post WildGuard: A Light-weight, Multi-Purpose Moderation Tool for Assessing the Safety of User-LLM Interactions appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-07-03 03:50 MarkTechPost
It is observed that LLMs often struggle to retrieve relevant information from the middle of long input contexts, exhibiting a “lost-in-the-middle” behavior. The research paper addresses the critical issue of the performance of large language models (LLMs) when handling longer-context inputs. Specifically, LLMs like GPT-3.5 Turbo and Mistral 7B often struggle with accurately retrieving information […]

The post Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Propose a Finetuning Approach Utilizing a Carefully Designed Synthetic Dataset Comprising Numerical Key-Value Retrieval Tasks appeared first on MarkTechPost.

2024-07-02 17:58 Wired
Google adjusted its policies to target AI spam earlier this year, but plagiarizing content still comes up higher in search results months later—and SEO experts aren’t sure why.
2024-07-01 20:22 ScienceDaily
Computer scientists have invented a camera mechanism that improves how robots see and react to the world around them. Inspired by how the human eye works, their innovative camera system mimics the tiny involuntary movements used by the eye to maintain clear and stable vision over time.
Square Kilometer Array Data Science Challenge 2
2022-04-25 06:51 PoC/Research English
FORSKA-Sweden, a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from Onsala Space Observatory and the Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre (FCC), scored second place in the Square Kilometer Array Data Science Challenge 2 (SDC2). Forty teams comprising 280 participants in 22 countries took part in SDC2, which kicked off in February this year and lasted for six months. The teams were supported by eight supercomputing centres around the world, providing vital storage and processing resources.

The Square Kilometer Array Observatory, SKAO, Data Challenges are designed to prepare future users to efficiently handle SKAO data, so that it can be exploited to its full potential as soon as the telescopes enter early operations, and to drive the development of data analysis techniques.

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