TechHeads 2024 - Tech Conference

Conference English
2024-09-24 08:302024-09-24 17:00
Open now and ends 2024-09-10 23:55
TechHeads vision is Crafting Tomorrow Together. Embark on a quest where technology converges with human ingenuity. TechHeads conference is a portal to a visionary realm were AI shapes destiny. Picture a future where e-commerce thrives, e-health transforms lives, and development reaches new heights. Together, let’s script a narrative where innovation transcends boundaries.

Join us together with 300+ in the pursuit of shaping tomorrow's tech landscape—because together, we make it happen! Welcome the the 2nd edition of TechHeads.

Get 30% off with our Early Bird Offer. It's time limited and only available for a certain amount of tickets.


Office / Work location

Skeppsbrogatan 49, Kalmar, Kalmar län, Sweden launch


Health, Information Technology, Retail
IT & Software, Innovation
Creation, Optimization, Prediction
Generative AI, Image Analysis, Machine Learning, Transformer
Image Data, Structured Data, Textual Data, Time series, Unstructured Data